Wednesday, May 8, 2013
If your from Huntsville or live in Huntsville you may take this site here for granted.
When I was about 16, I was driving through this SAME area about 2 o'clock in the morning with my mom and dad headed on vacation. I loved the Rocket! It was 2 am what were we gonna do? So we just kept trucking!I never came back until I was probably 20 years old.
My husband and I were living in Phil Campbell at the time and decided to come to Huntsville and shop. I took the Rocket for granted not seeing the beauty in it.
When my husband told me that we were moving to Huntsville, I wanted a view of the Rocket! Haha. The first day I was here, I begged him to drive me by. He did! Every time for about 5 months I would get so excited about passing by the rocket and my daughter saying "ooo wee" right along with me.
Now that I don't travel to that part of town much, I don't see it that often,but when I do you can bet I look at it and gaze (if I'm not driving).
Point of this post is, look around you, do you see anything you might take for granted?
I've never been really into "Nasa" but I've always wanted to learn more about it and I surely want to learn about the Rockets that are outside of the Space and Rocket City here in Huntsville. One day, I might just do that!
Country Mouse or City Mouse?
When I saw this topic I got all excited. I love comparing the country to the city!
Growing up, I lived in the country. I'm talking about you had to drive 10 miles to a gas station which that town only had a 4 way stop. 30 miles to Wal-Mart and the community I lived in didn't have anything but a school, that's it! Wait one time we had a pool hall that got shut down (hahah). Growing up though all I ever said is "I can't wait to move to the city!" When we traveled we always went to the city and that's where I got my love for it. I love being able to try new things, see different things and so on. Well when I moved to Alabama, I moved to a 'small town' they did have red lights at least! Then we moved to Huntsville,Alabama. Oh what a shocker that was.
You see growing up, city was the city. I didn't think about prices, what'd I miss, what I wouldn't miss. It was just there and I wanted to move there (whichever city that might be).
So I sat tonight and compared some prices of real estate. That what the first shocker to me. In Mississippi you can get a 3 bedroom house for rent for about $350 out in the country and it be pretty nice. In our home in PC, it was a 2bedroom for $350. Huntsville, 3 bedroom 2 bath for $850 a month! Wait I can pay a house note for that price!
In Cumberland there is a house listed ,4 bedrooms 2 bath 6,500sqft for.... $214,000
In Phil Campbell there is a house listed 4 bedrooms 2 bath 4,500 sqft for $225,000
In Huntsville there is a house listed 4 bedrooms 3 bath 6,500 sqft for 1,699,000
Granted housing market is completely different, styles of homes are completely different and the way of living is as well but it just came to a huge shocker to me when I saw it all placed together.
Country- What I love and what I hate about it.
That I can walk out my front door and see NO neighboors
That I can see the stars great
That I can hear the crickets in the background
The small town feel- going in the grocery store knowing everyone.
Having a huge backyard
Going Mud Riding
Knowing everyone.
Community pulling together when something bad happens
Mom and Pop places
Nothing to do at all for fun
Getting into trouble because well you just don't have anything to do
So far away from everything
City-What I love and what I hate about it
Rush Hour! Yes, I said it, I love rush hour
Always coming across something new
The mall is literally 5 minutes away
Hearing the sirens at night
You don't have to travel 45 miles to get somewhere
Eating out is great :)
That I can't see the stars all that great
Having nosey neighboors (even though I do love one set of neighboors)
Being so far away from the country and family
Not seeing the same people twice in a grocery store
If you move here, you hardly ever see someone you know out and about
Seeing the homeless (it breaks my heart)
Wrecks (these folks don't know how to drive)
Not being able to turn the local news on without hearing about a shooting
All in all I believe I am both a country and city mouse combined. I love being in the country, that's my roots and my life. Some of the greatest memories I have is of riding the tractor with my daddy. However, I have some pretty great memories of being in the city, not just Huntsville. Odd as it may be to me and my close friends, now I live in the city. I don't regret it but I also don't love it like I thought I was as a teenager. I do though, have the best of both worlds.I can always go home for a few days if I miss the country and my family is always coming up to see what is going on in the Rocket City.
Remember those old dining room table chairs? Well my sister had 3 that she was going to throw away so I got them. I never knew what I would do with them but today in a split second it hit me!
So I got in my husband's shop to see what color paints where in there.
I found red.
Painted it completely.
Then decided to distress it with white.
Then I grabbed my blue spray paint out and hit it in different areas.
Took some paint and wrote welcome.
Now all of this wasn't simple.
It took me all day long to do this.
Alot of trail and error.
Then to realize the paint was oil based so therefore it would not come off of my hands which then in turn ended up all over the house.
The finished product- I'm not totally happy with it but it's my first one so I'm ok with it
Pumpkin into Vase!
I've always wondered what I'd do with the pumpkin my mom gave me for my kitchen! It used to hold candy but then my daughter saw all the candy and thought she had to have it every time she went to the kitchen!
Well since my flowers and roses are looking beautiful today ,why not bring them inside?

Remember the pumpkin?
If you don't remember it find out here!
After grabbing my flowers and roses it now looks like
this and looks beautiful in my kitchen in my opinion!
Well since my flowers and roses are looking beautiful today ,why not bring them inside?
Remember the pumpkin?
If you don't remember it find out here!
After grabbing my flowers and roses it now looks like
this and looks beautiful in my kitchen in my opinion!
Homemade Mod Podge
Ever want to mod podge something and you just don't have any left? We all know how expensive it is at craft stores too!
Elmer's Glue (4oz bottle)
Take a 4oz bottle of Elmer's Glue, put all of it into a container jar or whatever you use.
Then fill the bottle of Glue up with water.
Screw on the lid of your container and shake!
Then you have Mod Podge!
Elmer's Glue (4oz bottle)
Take a 4oz bottle of Elmer's Glue, put all of it into a container jar or whatever you use.
Then fill the bottle of Glue up with water.
Screw on the lid of your container and shake!
Then you have Mod Podge!
Hints of Blue
As you already know, I love blue. If you read my post about my orange and blue kitchen then you know! Click here if not!
I decided to also spray paint some more items that I had that looked kinda blah and turn it into something pretty to stand against my orange walls!
Basket was white (as you can tell you can see it in spots, but that's how I like it). I purchased it awhile back at a thrift store for $1
Yes it's a pumpkin and yes it stays in my kitchen all year! My momma gave me this! It was clear but it looks better now! Make sure the spray paint you decide to use works well on glass!
Canvas that was spray painted blue then I used scrapbook paper cut out my letters and mod podge them on!
Homemade Mod Podge Recipe
Boring Spice Rack into Your Own!
So I've said I wanted blue items to go into my orange kitchen because I just love how orange and blue look together. Not your boring dark blue but like an ocean blue. Over the weekend we went to Lowe's and they had spray paint on sale. SCORE! So I picked the color I wanted. Came home and looked around in my kitchen. I won't go out and buy something new just because I want it. Heck, I don't buy anything new anyhow. If I buy things for the home, it's more than likely from the Thrift Store or from Michaels. If it's from Michaels, it's on sale and then I must have a coupon.
One project I did was turning my boring spice rack that was given to us for our wedding shower into something not so boring.
One project I did was turning my boring spice rack that was given to us for our wedding shower into something not so boring.
First make sure you clean it off really good then take it completely apart!
There you have it! It's not perfect. It has some spots where I missed (on purpose). I don't like things to look 'neat' and like it came out of a magazine. I don't like to be 'original'. If you don't want any spots then be sure to paint it evently all over!
Saturday, May 4, 2013
Full Bio
I'm a true Mississippi girl, born and raised, and I'm proud of that! I was born in 90 so yes I'm a 90's baby! I was born into a well, let's just say this a family that was already a family lol! I always pick at my mom that I was a mistake. I have 2 brothers and 1 sister. My oldest brother is 17 years older than me, my other brother is 15 years older than me and my sister is 12 years older than me, so yes I consider myself an opps but oh so glad I was! I have a wonderful mom and dad that I love more than anything! My mom is my best friend and yes I'm a true daddy's girl at heart! I was raised in a very and I mean very small town community. We didn't have a store or anything! I went to a very small 1A school that at the time I loved.
My dad was/is a preacher so I was raised in church and yes I'm a christian! We lived in 2 different towns growing up and always traveled, (yes that's where I get my love for traveling). Since I was so much younger than my siblings it was like I was the only child after about the age of 9. I traveled alot with just myself and my parents. I remember getting in the car on the weekend and us just riding with no destination in mind.
I played soccer and tennis in my teen years and yes I love both sports to this day (even though I don't play anymore). About the ages of 12-13 I went through alot of medical problems where no one knew (and still to this day,never knew) what was wrong.
I don't say I have any regrets because I learned from my many mistakes, but if I could take some things back and re-do them, I would in a heartbeat. In my teen years I got mixed up in the wrong crowd. I hung out with people I shouldn't and I'm thankful to be alive now. I did a lot of stupid stuff like most teens. I put my friends and what I was doing ahead of my family and that's what I wish I could change the most. I hurt my family pretty bad (even if they won't say I did) during those times.
I finally got serious in college and changed my major to Criminal Justice and that's when I truly opened my eyes and changed my lifestyle.
Soon after that is when I met my now husband. Now, I live in Huntsville Alabama with two amazing kids that I love more than life itself. To read more about my family click here!
Where have you traveled?
Well I have never flown but one day I hope to do so. Saying that, everything I've went anywhere it's been driving. I like it that way, because I like to explore. If I see a cute little store on the side of the road, I can stop in! Meet the locals, eat at the diners, and just explore America.
I've been all over the state of Mississippi, Alabama, and Tennessee.
I've been to New York City and can not wait to go back.
I've been to New Orleans more times than I can count.
I've been all over the Florida Panhandle.
I've been to Atlanta, GA.
I've been to Arkansas, Missouri, Kentucky, Ohio,West Virginia, Virginia, North and South Carolina, Connecticut, New Jersey, Maryland,Delaware, and Pennsylvania.
My all time favorite cities are New York City and Nashville.
If I could go anywhere where would it be?
Back to NYC. Go to Washington DC, Dallas Texas, Hollywood.
Overseas: Paris, London, and Italy.
Little things about me:
I hate comedy shows but catch myself laughing at them.
I'm a smoker that is trying so hard to quit.
I love Dr. Pepper. No I seriously have to have one almost everyday.
I love anything pasta related.
I'm seriously a cheapskate. I hate to pay full price for anything.
I'm a couponer. With a binder and all. Don't mess with me in the store!
I have to sleep with a comforter on me, no matter if its 100 degrees or 10.
I love chick flicks.
I make lists for everything and I do mean everything!
My cell phone and laptop is almost always dead.
I'm very anal about bills and budgeting.
My desk is always a wreck.
My dream:
I don't guess it's really a dream but it is what I want for myself and my family.
I one day want to open a consignment store.
I want to buy old run down houses ( I mean almost falling apart) and fix them back up.
and that's pretty much it!
Wanna know more about me ask! I do live in the South and there is no such thing as nosey to me!
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Homemade Play-Doh
The other day was a dreary day. Just not a day for my oldest to be outside, she seemed bored and I was in the creative mood. So we searched the internet until I found something for us to do! Coloring just didn't seem it so I came up with well let's see if we can make play-doh! I had everything in the cabinet and well we did and it was a TON of fun! It made this momma feel like a little girl again, which is always a good thing right?
What do you need?
2 cups of flour
2 cups of water
1 cup of salt
2 tablespoons of cream of tatar
2 teaspoons of oil
Mix it all together in the same boiler. Put it on the oven and stir constantly.
What do you need?
2 cups of flour
2 cups of water
1 cup of salt
2 tablespoons of cream of tatar
2 teaspoons of oil
Mix it all together in the same boiler. Put it on the oven and stir constantly.
It'll look like that right there at first! Keep stiring it'll get thick
Like the picture below
Then it'll form into this dough like thing lol
Knead it together at first. We decided to do 4 colors so I separated it into 4 different "balls" and adding our dye.
Knead it together until it's the color you want!
My advice though, put a glove on or put your hand in a plastic bag to knead it or your fingers and hand will be dyed like mine!
As you can see, we had fun mixing it together!
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